Sunday, December 26, 2010

Not very spiritual...

So I'm buying my first gun...couldnt decide between a shotgun or handgun but I finally decided to go for a 9mm. I think im leaning towards a Ruger P95...hopefully ill have it in the next week or two...that is love

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I'm currently preparing to record an album...and by prepare I mean...writing songs...ha. I think I am FINALLY figuring out how I write. Songs are beginning to come and its exciting! I'm trying to hook up with some friends that are amazing musicians but its tough with all of our busy schedules...

I also need a good studio and someone that understands what worship is...I know you can't capture a live sound on a cd but I am going to do everything I can to let true passion and worship...spirit and truth...come through on this record...

God's gonna have to open some doors...but I'm stoked about it!

Im Getting Married!

Exactly one month from today I will be married to my amazing woman Adrienne! Its pretty crazy but I'm excited!

I have a lot of family coming into town that I haven't seen for a long time so I'm stoked about that...cant wait!

I'm totally ready to leave the single life behind me...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Revival Bomb

Honor where honor is due...most of these thoughts were either said or birthed out of something that Bob Gladstone had said this past weekend at The if I say something awesome...he probably said it...if i say something confusing...its me!! haha

I don't think I could count the times I have asked God to send a revival or an awakening to my life, my church, or my city. I want so desperately to see God's kingdom overtake my city and yet I still havent seen it. Bob Gladstone said many great things this weekend but one of them was..."God will not necessarily just drop a revival bomb out of the blue". We think that 4 hrs a week at church with worship, preaching and praying is gonna bring a revival...I think we've missed it. Now I'm not doggin on the church...I mean sure we should be way ahead of where we are now but at least there are those that are pursuing the kingdom of God. I realize that hypocrites have painted an ugly picture of the church and Christianity to the lost but hey...there are those of us that are pursuing Christ in such a way as to change the way people see God and His kingdom.

If we want an outpouring of God's Spirit...shouldn't we first pour out our spirit to Him? The first thing out of Jesus' mouth to the Samaritan woman at the well was "Give me a drink". He required something FROM her before he even offered her anything. This whole story turns into a lesson on worship...not singing necessarily...but a lifestyle of worship. If God sees us pouring out our very being to Him...I have a hard time believe that he would not pour Himself out on us. What do you think?

Bob Gladstone said the reason the Brownsville revival ended after however many years was because God chose to pour out His Spirit but the people did not have a kingdom lifestyle that was able to hold a move of God. We have to develop a CULTURE around the kingdom that is here NOW so that our lifestyles will be able to sustain the kingdom that IS COMING. Does that make sense?

I know that some of these are incomplete thoughts but thats just what they are...THOUGHTS...

Hopefully this will make you think...feel free to comment...argue...make a joke...whatever you want on this post! Love love...

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I don't get it. When it comes to worship music...I see 2 different groups (I know there's more but these two seem to dominate)...On one side you have big bands with amazing musicians and vocalists and everyone looks cool and they have the lights and equipment and catchy guitar hooks and even several albums under their belt but when I listen to their music its lacking. They have the "right" phrases and awesome music but it is lacking THE essential thing...ANOINTING! No matter how good the music is, it gets boring real quick when there is no anointing.

On the other side you have worship leaders that have small bands, normal equipment, no light show, their clothes look like they dug them out of a garbage can, and sometimes...the leader cant even carry a tune if their life depended on it! And more times than not, its this type of band that can get God's presence in a room. I'm not gonna name names but there are some bands that bring me into God's presence so fast its crazy but if you just listen to the vocals and music...they are horrible! I guess its God's grace that allows the humble to carry a greater anointing than the proud.

I am literally amazed at how many church bands there are out there that have huge followings and I could find more anointing in a glass of sweet tea than in their worship services. It upsets me! And something that upsets me more is that the average person thinks they are sitting under anointed leaders when God is no where to be found in the building! I just don't understand why we can't or don't have bands that have amazing musical and vocal talent and STILL carry an anointing. I understand that the more talented we are, the more prideful we tend to be and that may be my answer right there. But I just think if we are worshiping and praising the Lord of Lords, the God that is from generation to generation, that we should be able to give our very best, both musically and spiritually, to Him. And at the very least, the lost should see that our God is so great that he deserves the very BEST we have to offer...I dont know...just a thought! Let me know what you think! Love love...