Thursday, March 11, 2010


I don't get it. When it comes to worship music...I see 2 different groups (I know there's more but these two seem to dominate)...On one side you have big bands with amazing musicians and vocalists and everyone looks cool and they have the lights and equipment and catchy guitar hooks and even several albums under their belt but when I listen to their music its lacking. They have the "right" phrases and awesome music but it is lacking THE essential thing...ANOINTING! No matter how good the music is, it gets boring real quick when there is no anointing.

On the other side you have worship leaders that have small bands, normal equipment, no light show, their clothes look like they dug them out of a garbage can, and sometimes...the leader cant even carry a tune if their life depended on it! And more times than not, its this type of band that can get God's presence in a room. I'm not gonna name names but there are some bands that bring me into God's presence so fast its crazy but if you just listen to the vocals and music...they are horrible! I guess its God's grace that allows the humble to carry a greater anointing than the proud.

I am literally amazed at how many church bands there are out there that have huge followings and I could find more anointing in a glass of sweet tea than in their worship services. It upsets me! And something that upsets me more is that the average person thinks they are sitting under anointed leaders when God is no where to be found in the building! I just don't understand why we can't or don't have bands that have amazing musical and vocal talent and STILL carry an anointing. I understand that the more talented we are, the more prideful we tend to be and that may be my answer right there. But I just think if we are worshiping and praising the Lord of Lords, the God that is from generation to generation, that we should be able to give our very best, both musically and spiritually, to Him. And at the very least, the lost should see that our God is so great that he deserves the very BEST we have to offer...I dont know...just a thought! Let me know what you think! Love love...


Anonymous said...

well...i guess it's time for you to be the one who sets it all apart! Bring the Holy Spirit with only the best! I know you can do it...and pretty soon...people will do the same.

Seth actually taught the kids the other wednesday on Elijah and how while the other 200 prophets where in hiding they were as good as dead to God because they did nothing to defend the name of God. But Elijah was the ONE who stepped out and God knocked everone's socks the ONE, be the CHANGE...i know you will! love you...

Anonymous said...
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Roaringrhymes said...


Anonymous said...

That's why I love you. You are different. You are called. You are anointed. You are my best friend. I am a little bias

Larry Underwood said...

I want some of your sweet tea...