Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Revival Bomb

Honor where honor is due...most of these thoughts were either said or birthed out of something that Bob Gladstone had said this past weekend at The if I say something awesome...he probably said it...if i say something confusing...its me!! haha

I don't think I could count the times I have asked God to send a revival or an awakening to my life, my church, or my city. I want so desperately to see God's kingdom overtake my city and yet I still havent seen it. Bob Gladstone said many great things this weekend but one of them was..."God will not necessarily just drop a revival bomb out of the blue". We think that 4 hrs a week at church with worship, preaching and praying is gonna bring a revival...I think we've missed it. Now I'm not doggin on the church...I mean sure we should be way ahead of where we are now but at least there are those that are pursuing the kingdom of God. I realize that hypocrites have painted an ugly picture of the church and Christianity to the lost but hey...there are those of us that are pursuing Christ in such a way as to change the way people see God and His kingdom.

If we want an outpouring of God's Spirit...shouldn't we first pour out our spirit to Him? The first thing out of Jesus' mouth to the Samaritan woman at the well was "Give me a drink". He required something FROM her before he even offered her anything. This whole story turns into a lesson on worship...not singing necessarily...but a lifestyle of worship. If God sees us pouring out our very being to Him...I have a hard time believe that he would not pour Himself out on us. What do you think?

Bob Gladstone said the reason the Brownsville revival ended after however many years was because God chose to pour out His Spirit but the people did not have a kingdom lifestyle that was able to hold a move of God. We have to develop a CULTURE around the kingdom that is here NOW so that our lifestyles will be able to sustain the kingdom that IS COMING. Does that make sense?

I know that some of these are incomplete thoughts but thats just what they are...THOUGHTS...

Hopefully this will make you think...feel free to comment...argue...make a joke...whatever you want on this post! Love love...


Unknown said...

The point that Jesus asked the woman for a drink first, was something I have been thinking about too. I like to think that God does desire something from me...that I am important to Him...I do have something to offer and it is all to bring glory to God.

Roaringrhymes said...

One thing I think churches expect out of revival is not only that the people of the church will get refreshment from a week full of worship and hearing from God but also that a new group of people will arrive and make the congregation larger, adding to the life of the church which brings a "fresh" feeling to the church. I think about being excited when I see someone come to Christ and how it seems to charge my battery for short time and then is quickly forgotten beneath the responsibility of my day to day life. While a revival might add to a congregation we still go through the motions feeling dry if we aren't moved by that excitement and seek revival everyday by looking taking God's word and being transformed by it. Jesus approached us at the well and asked for our lives, and in return he said that we would thirst no more. We have been revived, we need to live revived! I am terrible at this but it has happened to me. I am revived I need to live in that revival everyday and not let it get lost in my messed up idea of what is important. The world needs revival but I think it needs to happen outside of the church. I believe that our calling is to go, when we accept that call we can't be confined to walls and mission trips or outreach weekends but we need to have ministry lives and outreach lifestyles then the world will see. We can invite them to come and see all we want but come Monday they just went to church the day before. Most Mondays I feel like I just went to church the day before not that I am the church and that I experienced Jesus. Many Sundays and Wednesdays I am praying that God will speak through me and use me in the area of ministry which he has me in and very little do I pray that on the days I go to work and class. We confine ourselves to doing ministry in the church and when the church is open for service, and when the church has scheduled an outreach. Very little do I find myself giving away to my community on my watch out of the grace God has shown me in my revival. In this area we need to stop being churches and be the church and reach out without church banner but under the banner of Jesus! Timmy, I love you dude! I am sorry for the post, it is mostly me talking to me..

Tim said...

its all good man...thanks for commenting! We absolutely have to live a kingdom lifestyle cuz like you said...someone gets saved and youre pumped for a couple days maybe a week...but then it dies down...if we live every day like we should we would be constantly revived because we are emptying ourselves on the world around long as revival stays in the church...the world will keep going on the road its on...i agree with you. the world needs it more than the church...

Anonymous said...

sup dogg.
i haven't had a chance to comment yet, but it was a good weekend. All i know is that I am not going to miss the next revival. ha